Mazel Tov to Rose on Heavenly Cakes winning the award! May she have much success!
These were great. Mini angel food cakes with a rich coffee and cream motif. The 72% chocolate shavings on top did not hurt anything either.
Kaluha does not presently have Kosher certification so I had to use some other coffee liquor. I just brewed some esspresso instead of the instant and left out the water.
Mix with the egg whites.
Two batches.
O.K. I realize now that putting these upside down was pretty dumb. I do not think this helped very much. It probably makes more sense with real mini angel food pans.

Why did Rose say not to grease the pans? It does not make sense to me.
ואת עירום ועריה...
יחזקאל טז, ז
" were naked and bare." Ezekiel 16:7
Almost there... I'll definitely make this again, maybe as a big cake.