Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Marionberry Sufganiyot - Jelly Doughnuts - Punchkees and BBA: Swedish Limpa Bread


This is my first foray into the realm of frying. Eating foods made with oil is traditional on Chanukah since we are celebrating the Miracle of oil. Oil represents wisdom that is beyond us, the secrets of creation. Usually one studies these things sparingly since they are so hard to grasp. The Almighty creator's presence in the oil miracle of Chanukah tells us: No! You must imbibe these ideas as if it were a food in its own right, not just a condiment!

What a good mazel to find Marionberry preserves! They really give these doughnuts an extra yummy flavor!

I used Marcie Goldman's recipe in Jewish Holiday Baking.

Fry em up! I probably did not have to use quite so much oil.

The oil was too hot at first and had to be adjusted. The ones on the left were the testers.

Fill them up and powder em'.

The Limpa Bread:

Sauté cardamom, fennel, anise and orange oil.

 Add flour...

Sourdough starter....

Rye flour paste prepared the day before...

O.K. they look a little funny...

But boy does it taste good! A slight soury taste and the the spices are not overpowering but are just nice undertones.

Sourdough Limpa does not really have anything to do with Chanukah but this bread seemed festive and its flavor definitely put a smile on my face.


  1. Way to go on the marionberry preserves! Especially since they were paired with deep fried dough, which is a wonderful way to eat dough :) I'm actually about to go into the kitchen to make a batch of marionberry jam--nice synchronicity there.

    The sourdough limpa also sounds good. I also loved your explanation about why Chanukah is celebrated. Nice post!

  2. They look awesome. The good thing about oil is that you can save it and use it again.

    I thought the sourdough limpa looks good. They look like a baguette - you can always pretend to want to whack someone with it (probably not very Chanukah-celebratory like :)).

    Oh and Happy Chanukah to you Mendy, Mrs. Mendy, and the kids.

  3. Marionberries and donuts, a perfect pairing that! Bread sounds mighty good.

  4. ב''ה

    Sending good marionberry flavored vibes out to you folks. :)
