Genoise is always lovely and the Posset was nice, new and interesting. Perhaps I would have preferred the posset it a tad sweeter.
Mis en place. Why, yes, those are Meyer lemons!
Not sure what 'apple jelly' is. This is what I found. Other than this there was only apple butter.
The smallest piece of paper towel is good enough to hold all the butter solids from the beurre noisette.
beurre noisette
Mixed with the genoise batter. I made a double batch.
Toaster shot.
Aren't they lovely? My new friends.
The 'stacked' look.
Apple spread.
Completed. It really only added a very slight flavor.
I must say I am very glad the posset did not actually take three hours. It was already congealed enough to use in an hour. Um', Also, I guess I'll come clean and say that I used some food coloring because I wanted the posset to be yellow.