We have actually made Marcy Goldman's honey for the last 3-4 years. Rose, I challenge you to use your expertise to make a unqiue 'Rose' honey cake. I know you've got it in you.
So good strong coffee
Mis en place
Omi-girl explains how oranges grow. The truth is, I could not bring myself to use something as astringent as orange juice on the eve of Yom Kippur in a recipe. I used apple cider instead which seemed sweeter.
For "Avinu Malkenu" - Our father our king. The true judge.
Imagine all of the sweetness, good and blessing you want in for the upcoming year. OK, now put it in the bowl.
The custom is to ask for a piece of honey cake at the end of the pre-fast meal as a sign that this should be the only time you have to beg this year.
I should have waited a little longer before removing but I was a bit impatient.
May you all be sealed for a good sweet year.